qacli pprops
Manage the configuration of a Helix QAC Project Properties.
pprops {-c <component key>|--list-components|--sync-setting <INCLUDE_PATH|DEFINE_SYMBOL|FLAG_SCRIPT|EXCLUDE_PROCESS|EXCLUDE_PROCESS_PATTERN|FILE_FILTER|SUPPRESS_INCLUDE_PATHS>|--cip-setting <DISABLE_CIP_GENERATION|IGNORE_CIP_ERROR>|--misc-setting <INTER_TU_ANALYSIS|LOG_LOCATION_TYPE>|--view-sync-settings|--view-cip-settings|--view-misc-settings} [-P <directory>] [-K <config name>] [-f] [-T <C|C++|C/C++>] [--add] [--remove] [--reset-component] [--view-values] [-o <option name>] [-O <options file>] [--list-options] [--set <value>] [--set-once <value>] [--set-options] [--unset <value>] [--reset] [-i] [-a] [--cct-name <CCT Name>] [-g <preset group name>] [--list-preset-groups] [--] [-h]
Extended Description
This command allows you to configure your Helix QAC project, including which components are used in the project, their configuration and miscellaneous other configuration items specific to the project.
Name, shorthand | Default | Description |
Adds the component to the specified, already existing toolchain of the project. The component must support the toolchain. | |
Enables advanced component options. | |
Specify which CCT to operate on when modifying CIP settings. | |
Specifies a CIP setting to operate on. Supported operations: set, unset and reset. | |
‑‑component, ‑c
Key of component to operate on, in a <name>-<version> format. If the version is omitted, then the latest version of the component will be used. Supported operations: list‑options , option , view‑values , list‑preset‑groups , and preset‑group . |
‑‑config, ‑K
For projects with multiple configurations, specify which configuration to use. If none specified, then the default will be used. | |
‑‑force‑dependencies, ‑f
When adding a component automatically add any dependent components. | |
‑‑help, ‑h
Displays usage information and exits. | |
‑‑ignore rest, ‑‑
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. | |
‑‑info, ‑i
Prints information for the given option or preset group. | |
Lists components on the system, or if a project path is supplied, in the project. | |
Lists the options available for the given component. | |
Lists the preset groups available for the given component. | |
Specifies a miscellaneous setting to operate on. Supported operations: set , unset , and reset . |
‑‑option, ‑o
Name of option on which to operate. Supported operations: info , set , unset , and reset . |
‑‑options‑file, ‑O
Specify a path to a valid file containing component options, one per line. Lines beginning with '*' are ignored. | |
‑‑preset‑group, ‑g
Name of preset group on which to operate. Supported operations: info , and set . |
‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P
. | Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project. |
Removes the component, which must not be a primary analyzer, from the specified toolchain of the project. | |
Resets the value of the given option or sync setting, to its default state. | |
Resets the component to its default state. | |
‑‑separator, ‑x
, | Separator to use when specifying multiple values to set/unset. Applicable to INCLUDE_PATH , DEFINE_SYMBOL , and FILE_FILTER . Only a single character should be specified. |
Set the value of the given option, preset group, or sync setting. | |
If the value of the given option is not already set, then set it. | |
Set all the options that are found in the supplied file. | |
Specifies a sync setting to operate on. Supported operations: set , unset , and reset . |
‑‑toolchain, ‑T <C | C++ | C/C++>
Specifies a pre-existing toolchain on the project for adding or removing a component. | |
Remove the matching value for the given option or sync setting. | |
Lists values of CIP settings for the given project. | |
Lists values of miscellaneous settings for the given project. | |
Lists values of sync settings for the given project. | |
Lists values, excluding defaults, that are set for the given component and project. |
If the component is present in more than one toolchain in the particular project, disambiguation is required using the
) switch.Setting values (usually) involves reading and writing the main configuration file. On large projects this can take some time. If you are setting several options, then you should gravitate towards using an Options File (
‑‑options‑file <file>
). Alternatively, if you are setting ‑‑sync‑setting <INCLUDE_PATH | DEFINE_SYMBOL | FILE_FILTER>
you can specify multiple values, separated by a comma.- Components
- Component Options
- Component Preset Groups
- Synchronization Settings
- CIP Settings
- Miscellaneous Settings